Global Classrooms NYC trip!!
If it was not easy for me to mentally prepare to be back in the United States after nine months of living in Spain, my ten students must have been going absolutely bonkers with excitement. Many of them would be […]
If it was not easy for me to mentally prepare to be back in the United States after nine months of living in Spain, my ten students must have been going absolutely bonkers with excitement. Many of them would be […]
U.S. 2012-2013 Fulbright Research Fellows in the scientific and technical fields convened on Monday, May 20th for a three-day session in Madrid and Barcelona to explore Spain’s premier research facilities. Seven pre-doctoral researchers from Madrid, Barcelona, and Cadiz studying in […]
I was nervous. I wasn’t nervous, but I couldn’t stop thinking of the word crispación. The way it sounded, crisp, like a layer of ice closing over the room. The room was La Asamblea de Madrid, the parliament for the […]
Del día 6 al 9 de marzo un centenar de becarios Fulbright de Estados Unidos, que disfrutan de su beca en España y Andorra durante este curso académico, se reunirán en la Universidad de Zaragoza para participar en un seminario donde […]
Desde la Comisión Fulbright nos alegra enormemente dar la bienvenida a Abengoa como nuevo patrocinador del programa de becas Fulbright para ampliación de estudios de postgrado. Las tres becas Abengoa-Fulbright, para el curso académico 2014-2015, se otorgarán con preferencia a […]
Realicé mi doble PhD en la University of Wisconsin-Madison como becaria Fulbright (2006-2011) en Psicología de la Educación (Learning Sciences) y Currículum e Instrucción, áreas en las que UW-Madison es la primera universidad del ranquin. Mi experiencia en UW-Madison fue […]